CML will launch a capital fundraising campaign in Dublin to help complete the project enhanced exterior civic plaza. Project cost: $18.6 million investment from CML.A signature transitional element on or near the library site will represent a meaningful transition from historic to contemporary.The new 41,000 square foot Dublin Branch will include: 3 meeting rooms, 7 study rooms, a larger Homework Help Center, a dedicated Ready for Kindergarten area, community gathering spaces and a café.Completion of an agreement between the City and Columbus Metropolitan Library for the construction and occupancy of the building and 500-space parking structure has been finalized.Basic Site Plan – Columbus Metropolitan Library Dublin Branch Approved by Council 4-24-17 | Presentation 4-24-17.Basic Site Plan – Columbus Metropolitan Library Dublin Branch 2-24-17.The Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) is building a new 41,000 square foot 21st Century Dublin Branch Library on its current site – doubling the space of the current Dublin Branch Library. There is plenty of parking and I found it really confident. I needed to do some printing and just googled the closest Columbus Metropolitan Library location and found this one. In addition to the 40,000 square foot library building, this project includes a 550-space public parking garage and several roads, including the new Rock Cress Parkway, North Franklin Street and a rebuilt west North Street. 1 review of Columbus Metropolitan Library - Barnett Branch 'First time visiting this brach. and Sunday from 1-5 p.m. The branch’s Drive-Up Pickup services will be available Monday-Saturday from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. COLUMBUS Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) will begin renovation on its New Albany Branch on Monday, Jan. Developer: Columbus Metropolitan Library. Reduced hours and services expected for approximately two months.

Bike racks are also available.Demolition and site preparation activities will begin Monday, Decemfor the new, state-of-the art, Columbus Metropolitan Library Dublin Branch. 17 CML will relocate the current Dublin library branch during reconstruction. Parking for Northwest Library is available in a dedicated parking lot. The 74 Smoky Row Rush Hour line stops at Hard Road and Smoky Row Road, approximately one-half mile away, COTA stop numbers 4400 (northbound) and 5244 (southbound). The 33 Henderson Standard line offers a stop near Stanburn and Hard Rd., COTA stop number 7906 northbound, and a stop near Hard Rd. Northwest Library is served by two COTA bus lines.

Northwest Library is situated just north of I-270 and west of OH-315. It is the first library in Ohio and only the second in the entire nation to be built and operated by two library systems. The Columbus Metropolitan Library serves 21 locations in Franklin County, and its operations center in Gahanna serves as a hub for the movement of all the. Groundbreaking for the facility took place on Septemand Opening Day was April 16, 1996. On October 13, 1993, the two library boards signed a Joint Development Agreement for the Construction and Operation of a New Library Facility. In 1992, trustees from Columbus Metropolitan Library and Worthington Libraries began meeting regularly to explore ways to provide library service to the fast growing northwest area of Franklin County. The Northwest Library primarily serves the area between the Olentangy and Scioto rivers, extending from the Delaware County line south to Henderson Road. The Northwest Library is a cooperative project of the Worthington Libraries and the Columbus Metropolitan Library and is managed by the Worthington Libraries.